
Terms and conditions of use

Last Update : 01/01/2024

The website/application www.studelites.com (hereinafter the "Website" or the "Application") is published by BNP PARIBAS IMMOBILIER RESIDENCES SERVICES, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of €4,880,000, whose registered office is located at Immeuble Valvert, Avenue de la Gare 26300 Alixan, registered with the Romans Trade and Companies Register under SIREN number 378 888 796, and whose VAT number is FR 303788796 (hereinafter, the "Company") Company of the BNP PARIBAS Group.

N°ADEME: FR200182_03KLJL

Contact details : N° 04 75 40 80 25, e-mail : contact.location@studelites.com. 

Professional card " Transactions on real estate and goodwill ", " Real estate management ", " Syndic of co-ownership " and " Tourist services " CPI N°2601 2016 000 011 086, delivered to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Drome. 

Holder of a financial guarantee of 120 000 € for the activity of Transactions on real estate and goodwill, of 1 900 00 € for the activity of "Real estate management", of 5 500 000 € for the activity of Syndic of co-ownership and of 40 000 € for the activity of Tourist Services for which the company Galian (89 rue La Boétie, 75008 Paris) is guarantor. 

Property administrator and syndic of co-ownership.

You can consult our Fee Schedules at these addresses : Barèmes 2024

The Site/Application is hosted by the company, BNP Paribas Partners for Innovation, 59 rue de la république 93100 Montreuil-sous-Bois

The legal representative & director of the publication of the Site/Application is Olivier BOKOBZA, President. 


  • Subject 

The purpose of these general terms and conditions (hereinafter the "General Terms and Conditions") is to govern the conditions of access and use of the Site/Application by any user accessing it (hereinafter the "User"). 


The use of the Site/Application is subject to the consultation, prior acceptance, without reservation and without condition, of the General Conditions and to their full compliance by the User. 

Any condition to the contrary imposed by the User shall remain unenforceable against the Company, regardless of the time at which it may have been brought to the User's attention or the format of its notification or awareness. 

The Company may modify the Terms and Conditions at any time and without notice. In case of modification of the General Conditions, the Company will indicate on the Site/Application the date of the update of the General Conditions. For all practical purposes, the General Conditions can be printed and/or saved and remain in any case always available on the Site/Application in their latest version. 

It is the User's responsibility to read the latest version of the General Conditions each time he/she connects to the Site/Application. 


  • Access to the Site/Application

In order to access the Site/Application, the User must be connected to the Internet and the equipment used by the User for this purpose (hereinafter the "Equipment") must have a minimum configuration. 

[Site Option] For PCs and Macs, this means an Intel P4 processor or equivalent allowing the use of the following browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer 9 or higher, with a minimum resolution of 1024x768. 

[Application Option] To use the Application, you need a smartphone or tablet with an iOS 7 or Android 4.2 operating system minimum. 

Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Equipment shall more generally comply with the standards, in particular safety and interoperability standards, in force. 

The User is solely responsible for the configuration and operation of his Equipment. The Company shall not be liable in any way and no compensation or reimbursement shall be due by the Company in case of failure, difficulty or impossibility to use the Site/Application due to a cause related to this Equipment. 

In the event that access to the functionalities of the Site/Application is subject to the creation by the User of a user account, the identifier and password must remain strictly personal and confidential. The User agrees to use his account for his own needs and not to allow any other person to use it in his place or on his behalf. The User is fully responsible for the consequences of actions taken from his user account, including any damage caused by negligence or violation of applicable law, the rights of a third party and/or another User. The Company shall not be held liable in this regard. 

It is the User's responsibility to immediately inform the Company of any proven or suspected unauthorized use of his/her login and/or password or more generally of the User's account. 

  • Availability of the Site/Application 

The Company endeavors, as far as possible and within the framework of an obligation of means, to ensure a reasonable level of operation and availability of the Site/Application. Nevertheless, the operation of the Site/Application may be temporarily interrupted for any reason beyond the Company's control, in particular in the event of force majeure, maintenance, updates or technical improvements, or to modify the content and/or presentation.

  • Maintenance of the Site/Application

The Company reserves the right, without notice or compensation, to temporarily suspend access to the Site/Application in order to carry out maintenance operations related to its technological developments. 

The Company will make changes to the existing functions of the Site/Application, including its ergonomics, its management and operating rules, as well as any corrections made necessary by legal or regulatory changes. 

Such updates may result in an interruption of service of the Site/Application, without the Company being held responsible for this. 


  • User-generated content

The User is solely responsible for the entirety of the content that he/she puts online on the Site/Application and for which he/she expressly declares that he/she has full rights. 

In this respect, the User guarantees the Company that he/she will not post any content that violates the rights of a third party or of another User, in particular intellectual property rights, or that constitutes an infringement of personal rights (in particular defamation, insults, insults, etc.), respect for privacy, public order and morality (in particular, apology for crimes against humanity, incitement to racial hatred, child pornography, racism, etc.) or that would be illicit in any other way. 

The User grants the Company a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, free and worldwide license to use the content he/she publishes on the Site/Application, for the duration of the protection rights on such content, and to publish, reproduce, represent, communicate and quote such content on the Site/Application. 

The User expressly guarantees to the Company the free enjoyment of the rights thus granted to it on the contents provided by the User, against all disorders, claims, or evictions whatsoever, based for example on an action for infringement, emanating from a third party or another User. 

  • Content reporting 

The Company does not exercise any moderation or verification other than algorithmic relating to the content published by Users in the context of the use of the Site / Application. 

However, the Company is legally obliged to remove any illicit content or to make access to it impossible on the Site/Application, as soon as it is made aware of the manifestly illicit nature of this content. 

Any User may report to the Company any content that he/she considers contrary to the laws and regulations in force (e.g. infringement of an intellectual property right, usurpation of identity, or other) and/or to the General Terms and Conditions, or infringe on the image or purpose of the Site/Application or on the rights of a third party, of another User, or content that he/she considers to be erroneous  

After verification of a reported content, the Company proceeds to the removal of the content if it proves to be indeed illicit, non-conforming or erroneous, and also reserves the possibility of engaging the responsibility of the author of the content. Where necessary, and in accordance with applicable law, the Company will promptly inform, and cooperate with, the competent public authorities when such content has been reported to it. 

  • Intellectual Property 

The Company's trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos, scripts and texts published on the Site/Application and the structure of the Site/Application itself are the property of the Company or are licensed to it by third parties. This content is protected by copyright, trademark law and other intellectual property or related rights held by the Company or its licensors, and may not be reproduced, used or represented without the express permission of the Company or its licensors, under penalty of law. 

The Company grants the User a free, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the aforementioned elements and to access and use the Site/Application in accordance with its purpose. 

Any other use by the User is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Company on a case-by-case basis. 

The User shall not modify, copy, reproduce, download, broadcast, transmit, commercially exploit and/or distribute in any way whatsoever the content of the Site/Application or any of its elements without the prior written authorization of the Company on a case by case basis. 

More broadly, the User agrees not to harm or attempt to harm the Site/Application in any way and not to use any software or any form of computer program with the purpose of reaching or making available any protected or not freely available content. 

The User may inform the Company by any means of any error, fault, irregularity or malfunction that he/she notices in the use of the Site/Application, as soon as he/she has knowledge of it. 


  • Hyperlinks from the Site/Application 

The hypertext links available on the Site/Application may lead to third-party sites not published by the Company. They are provided solely to facilitate the use of resources available on the Internet. If the User uses these links, he/she leaves the Site/Application and agrees to use the third-party sites at his/her own risk or, as the case may be, in accordance with the conditions governing them. 

The Company shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for such hypertext links. 

  • Hyperlinks to the Site/Application 

The User may not use and/or insert a hypertext link to the Site/Application without the express prior written consent of the Company on a case by case basis. 

If the Company agrees, the User shall point to the home page of the Site/Application without duplicating the home page or any other page of the Site/Application and the User agrees to: 

  • Not to remove, modify or alter in any way the size or appearance of the Company's trademarks, logos or other distinctive signs;
  • Not to create a window, frame or other browser around the Site/Application;
  • Not to imply in any way that the Company endorses or guarantees the products and services available on any third party site/application/platform linking to the Site/Application;
  • Not to mislead any other User or any third party or create confusion as to the User's relationship with the Company and not to present false, misleading or deceptive information about the Company or its products and services;
  • Not to use the trademarks, logos or other distinctive signs of the Company for the purposes of this hypertext link without the express prior written consent of the Company on a case by case basis;
  • Not to insert a link to the Site/Application from a site of which the User is not the publisher; and
  • Not to include on the User's site that links to the Site/Application any material that is defamatory, offensive, abusive, or in violation of applicable press laws, that may infringe the rights of third parties (or another User), or that otherwise violates applicable law. 

The Company expressly reserves the right to revoke the authorization granted, if any, as provided in this section and to take any appropriate action in the event of any breach hereof. The User shall be liable for any direct or indirect damages related to or resulting from such breach. 


The company undertakes, within the framework of an obligation of means, to provide access to the site/application with diligence and according to the rules of the art. The company shall use its best efforts to ensure the proper functioning of the site/application, within the limits of these general conditions. 

However, the company cannot guarantee that no error, anomaly, interruption or other malfunction will occur during the use of the site/application. Similarly, the company shall not be held responsible for temporary or permanent difficulties or impossibilities of access to the site/application due to circumstances beyond its control, in particular due to disruptions in the telecommunication network or resulting from the failure of the user, another user or a third party and/or from security flaws or malfunctions in equipment. 

The user is informed and accepts that the site/application is provided to him/her as is and according to his/her availability. 

The company may only be held liable by the user in the event that certain and definitive proof is established of a fault committed by the company that caused the user actual and direct damage. In such a case, it shall be incumbent upon the user to prove that the company has committed such a fault in the performance of its obligations under the present agreement. The company shall not be liable for any indirect damage, in particular any indirect commercial, moral and/or financial damage suffered by the user, including any loss of profit caused by, originating from or based on the use of the site/application. 


  • Personal data 

To enable the proper functioning of the Site/Application, the Company may collect personal data concerning the User and as such implements data processing for which the Company is responsible (for more information, click on the Company's Data Protection Policy available at: https://data-privacy.realestate.bnpparibas). 

  • Cookies

When browsing the Site/Application, cookies may be deposited on the User's Equipment, subject to the choices the User has expressed and which the User may modify at any time.

To learn more about cookies and their impact, the Company invites the User to consult its cookie policy available at [insert link to the "Cookies Policy" page of the site]. 


These Terms and Conditions are governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with French law. 

In the absence of amicable resolution, any dispute relating to the validity, interpretation, execution or non-execution of these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the jurisdiction of the court of appeal of Paris or of the user's place of residence, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.


Any clarification regarding the application of this Agreement or any claim related to the Site/Application should be sent:

  • by e-mail to the following address: contact.location@studelites.com;
  • by telephone: 04 75 40 80 25;
  • by post to the following address Immeuble Valvert, Avenue de la Gare 26300 Alixan.


Find the city which suits you

Alexia, 19 years old

I like the spirit that reigns in this residence on a human scale. Everything is very well maintained.  

Malek, 20 years old

Everything is within walking distance from the Cambridge residence: going to class, getting groceries, and continuing to practice my sport. 

Amélie, 22 years old

I wanted to live in Paris to be close to my university but also to museums and cultural places. 

Jules, 19 years old

Le Capitole residence is very clean and well maintained. My studio is in impeccable condition. 
